Kasper Kylmälä – power of words

Kasper Kylmälä is an engineer and speaker who is interested in words.


Words and language

Why and when do we talk?

According to Kasper we talk to affect others’ minds. By talking, we can make ourselves feel good, and express our feelings to others. But before talking, our brain works by creating sentences and picturing them inside our minds – this usually happens in our mother tongue.


Language and talking are strongly related to our minds, but language itself is hardwired into the human mind.

Instead of just mentioning talking, listening is also an important skill that is related to it. Kasper says, that if you really listen to the speaker, you allow them to control your mind. He gave an example where he told us ”not to think of a pink elephant”, and with this example he stated the fact, that it is impossible to not to think of something when told the opposite. If we think of the same pink elephant context in marketing, we can see that this is a great marketing skill, and with that we allow the salesperson to control our minds.

How do we control minds?

Kasper shared that if you control the media, you are able to control people’s minds and thinking. For instance, you meet a stranger on the street, and he tries to talk to you, you probably just ignore the attempt, and you forget it. But if the person says something good to you, or compliments you, you will definitely remember it. ”Emotions are like bookmarks”, says Kasper. ”They make things important.”

Showing emotions is important. When we think of business meetings and wanting to remain in your clients’ thoughts after the meeting, there is one way to make that happen. That means that you should be real and awake in the situation and show it to the customer. We cannot fake our feelings, so we need to be sincere towards the customer, and we need to show real interest towards them. When we start the business meeting we should be sure, that our audience will notice and receive the message. On the other side, we need to be good at showing our emotions. Important things are related to the emotions, so if you can wake up their emotions, then the thing turns from unimportant to important and vice versa.


What do we need to do?

Kasper shared two key points, and with their help you can deliver your message to the customers.

  • Attention = the easy part, where you gain your audience’s attention
  • Importance = emotions. You need to show your client that they are important to you.
  • When you hear some new information and learn something from it, you will gain a new point of view to your thoughts. All this with just the power of words.


To conclude – words control minds, they can control your thoughts but with them you can also control others’ minds. So, if you give a new point of view to someone (also called a heureka moment), you can change the world.



You can view Kasper Kylmälä’s webpage in here.

Live video from the event is found in here.


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